Note: If you need to take a new picture, you must take it using your camera app first before continuing

Note: If you do not yet have Google Photos installed on your Android device, go to the Google Play Store and download it (it's free). You will be unable to upload a photo using the "Gallery". 

  1. Log into your Mobile App

  2. Click the blank image in the upper right corner of the screen

  3. Click the blank image in the upper left corner of the screen

  4. A blank profile image will appear in the center of the screen (see below)

  5. Tap blank image in the center of the screen to edit it

  1. A pop-up note appears telling you to select PHOTOS to select the image to be uploaded

  2. A Get Picture pop-up appears

  3. Click Photos (Gallery will not work) (see image)

  1. Locate the photo you wish to use

  2. Click to select the photo to upload it

  3. Click the Save button

Note: You must close/reopen to refresh the Mobile App so you can view the photo you uploaded