Credit card processing fees per transaction can add up and be costly to your business. If you would like to pass the CC processing fees onto your clients, you can easily do so by utilizing the "Offer Cash Discount" feature within the mobile app. 

When you utilize the cash discount feature, you can offer your clients a lower cash price. By law in most states, the credit card price is what must be advertised. The mobile app will auto adjust the price invoiced to your client based on the payment type (i.e., cash or credit) if the "Offer Cash Discount" option is activated.

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To enable or disable the "Offer Cash Discount" option:
  1. Log into the mobile app
  2. Click the 3 lines in the upper left corner
  3. Click App Settings
    • Alternately, click the gear icon in the upper right of the screen
  4. Scroll down to the "Offer Cash Discount" checkbox
    • Reference screen shot below
  5. Either check or uncheck the box based on your preference
    • Checked = Credit card processing fees are added to your client's total
    • Unchecked = Credit card processing fees are deducted from total when Propay sweeps your funds into your bank account